Ensemble’s goal is to create a platform for individuals, organizations and churches to get together and share what they’re doing or planning to do. So there are no subscription fees or anything like that. The only agreement required is to accept our core values and charter, and to subscribe to our Ensemble2024 platform to access all resources and add your own events and projects to the page, or to be part of one or more spheres.

Nevertheless, there are two types of partnership: affiliate partnerships and subscriber partnerships.
Being affiliated means officially attaching or linking an organization, church, federation or individual to Ensemble2024 by working closely together on various projects and events in the spheres. They can use the platform to promote their own events and projects, and share information with other organizations.
Subscribers, meanwhile, are not officially part of Ensemble2024, but remain in close contact, sharing updates and information on new and existing projects.

If you’d like to find out more and find out how you can get involved, depending on your own involvement and expertise, don’t hesitate to contact us via the contact form or by e-mail to 20ensemble24@gmail.com and our team will be happy to help you.

If you don’t have a specific question and just want to get involved, click on the yellow “Get involved” button below (bottom of page) or click here.